
Tau Labs Sparky Flight Controller

China-1 Stock | Buy Tau Labs Sparky Flight Controller online at unbeatable prices. ✓Free Shipping ✓Limited Time Sale ✓Local Warehouses.

TauLabs Sparky2 — Plane documentation

Specifications¶ · 6x PWM outputs (+4 more on LED port) · 1x RC input PWM/PPM · 2x analog to digital inputs for battery voltage and current monitoring · 1x serial ...

Sparky Flight Controller Tau Labs 10dof

Specifications: GPS capable for functions such as RTH (Return To Home), Position Hold and Waypoint navigation in conjunction with a ground station.

Kitechildhssd Flight Controller B6 F303 Lite Version Sparky Flight ...

Built-in OSD / Current Meter / F3 / PDB, is a lite version of the SPARKY flight controller; Output 5 V / 3 A; Maximum PCB resistance to flow path 120A ...

geosmallSparky_FCs_for_Arduino_Core_STM32: Sparky ...

This repo contains the documentation for Sparky Flight Controller variants to be used as part of Arduino_Core_STM32.


The Sparky is a very low cost and very powerful board. Tested with revision 1 & 2 boards. TODO Voltage and current monitoring (ADC support)

TauLabs Sparky2 — Copter documentation

Processor. STM32F405 ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. 168 Mhz/1 MB Flash. 32-bit failsafe co-processor · Sensors. InvenSense MPU9250 IMU (accel, gyro, compass).

Taulabs Sparky 2.0 32bit F4 MCU Based Flight Controller Inte

供應中 Features: Open source firmware development support, Flexi-IO Port for input/output, MainPort (Telemetry) serial USART / SBUS, FlexiPort for telemetry funtions.

TauLabs Sparky 2.0 32bit Flight Controller

已售完 It features a more powerful STM32F4 processor running at 168MHz with increased memory and flash. This is great for storing and flying longer waypoint sequences, ...


China-1Stock|BuyTauLabsSparkyFlightControlleronlineatunbeatableprices.✓FreeShipping✓LimitedTimeSale✓LocalWarehouses.,Specifications¶·6xPWMoutputs(+4moreonLEDport)·1xRCinputPWM/PPM·2xanalogtodigitalinputsforbatteryvoltageandcurrentmonitoring·1xserial ...,Specifications:GPScapableforfunctionssuchasRTH(ReturnToHome),PositionHoldandWaypointnavigationinconjunctionwithagroundstation.,Built-inOSD/Cur...